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Women's leadership starts here. Ursuline's Office of Student Activities educates, encourages and empowers student leaders through campus programs and traditions.
You have so much to contribute – to your world and the larger one. Start on campus by joining an organization (or several) that share in your values. You may even decide to explore leadership opportunities by participating in committees, engaging in leadership development and cultivating relationships with staff, all while leaving your influence on the tradition and culture of Ursuline.
A week filled with fun activities to help you become familiar with campus, meet other students, and connect you with the resources you'll need for a successful four years at Ursuline College. Get ready for all the FUN you'll be having your first week of classes!
A week celebrating 1871, the year Ursuline College was founded. A group of students are selected to create a vibrant week of events honoring traditions and the legacy of this great institution.
The Office of Student Activities presents several awards and recognitions annually to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of students and organizations that have exemplified the values of Ursuline College. The awards ceremony takes place at the end of spring semester every year.